

Welcome to the Banchory and District Men’s Shed web site.

  • Our news “blog” and updates appear below.
  • We have lots of other information available about our what our plans and activities are, our history, contacts, what Men’s Sheds are all about and so forth – please see the menu at the top of the page.
  • Also please see our Facebook page for up-to-the-minute updates and the opportunity to get into conversation with us
  • To join us or contact us see the Contacts page


New meetings schedule

From June we will be changing the meetings format somewhat.

Social Meetings

When: Our weekly social meetings will remain at 10:30 to about 12:00 on a Tuesday morning, but where it is needed to discuss Shed business a pre-meeting will be held beforehand at 10:00 to 10:30.

Where: As well as holding meetings at the Banchory Legion Scotland in Ramsay Road, we will in future also hold our Social meetings in other locations in the community, to both ring the changes and to show our faces out and about.  We will advertise the upcoming meeting venues as far in advance as possible both in this Blog and on our Facebook page.

Business meetings

These will continue on every 2nd Thursday of the month at the Banchory Legion Scotland in Ramsay Road Banchory, at 2:00 pm until circa 4 pm

Community projects / “Pop-Up Sheds”

The Shed’s activites are not restricted to just these meetings – read more on our When page

Chalmers Bakery come up trumps again

Chalmers Bakery 15 May 2016

Banchory & District Men’s Shed would like to thank the staff and customers of Chalmers Bakery, once again, for the latest charity tin donation of £25.07.  Pictured are Vicky & Margaret from Chalmers handing over the tin to Alan Kelman. Our fledgling group rely on the generosity of donors and is very grateful for all support.

The Shed out and about with Banchory District Litter Pick

Banchory Men’s Shed were delighted to assist today with the Banchory District Initiative Litter Pickup.

Litter Pick

The photo above shows the Shed contingent before the main team had arrived. Also consider this photo a (small) challenge for those you eagle eyed on the matter of apostrophes.

Our thanks to all who turned out – the Organisers, Scouts, members of the public and individual Shedders. A successful day but why do we have to do it to keep Banchory bonnie? Education – its so easy to bin your rubbish or take it home in the first place!