River Dee Radio benefits from support by Banchory Men’s Shed

River Dee Radio have recently taken delivery of a new Operations Desk, built and installed by the Banchory Men’s Shed.  This custom-built desk replaces the standard tables previously in use and provides specific work and equipment areas for radio operations, mike supports, computer location and so forth.  The desk was tailored to make best use of the space within the River Dee Radio room (at Banchory Legion).


River Dee Radio’s new Ops Desk in use – with Graham Ling, DJ of the day (right), and BMS’s Alan Pumfrey (left)

The above picture shows the completed desk in use.  BMS’s Alan Pumfrey was also being interviewed by River Dee Radio to promote the Banchory Men’s Shed.

BMS are very pleased to be able to make a contribution in this way to help River Dee Radio’s continuing growth towards becoming a key resource for the River Dee area.

You can find out more about River Dee Radio on their Facebook page, listen directly on the web here, or by downloading any radio app such as TuneIn and searching for River Dee Radio.