Greetings to everyone from the Banchory Shed, on the first day of Summer Time. So did anyone find out they were late by an hour for something?
Things have been moving along gently on various Shed fronts.
Our membership has been steadily growing with several new members since the turn of the year including two new members whom we were delighted to welcome just this week. A number of folk have also said they will also be joining once the shed premises are finalised (more on this below). We’ve also been involved with some projects out in the community, with the odd splash of paint being thrown around, with more projects planned.
Our Tuesday social meetings have been regularly attended as have been our monthly “business” meetings on the second Thursday of each month. Attendance at coming Thursday meetings will actually be back to full strength after the “Bridge Crew” return after the winter series of the famous Bridge lessons from Maggie and Bill at the Burnett Arms – which unfortunately clashed with the Thursday afternoon shed meetings. However, we now have an extra number of mean bridge players waiting for a game or two.

Our Chairman finding he was just one number off winning the £19M Lottery prize – now that would have solved a funding issue or two…
Thanks are due as always to Howard who has been keeping things busy on the Facebook page, with the picture here appearing recently of last Tuesday’s social meeting at the Legion, which went well with a good turn-out. For anyone not too familiar with Facebook, you can see the Shed page here or also click the wee blue Facebook “F” logo at the foot of any page on this site. The Facebook page has the most up-to-date information about past and upcoming goings on.
Regarding permanent premises, whilst it may look to the uninitiated like nothing much is going on, we can assure you that our Chairman Alan and others are like the proverbial duck – serene above the water but with legs pedalling like mad, below and out of sight. Definite progress is being made though we hesitate to tempt fate by saying too much here – so do come along to our meetings to find out the latest.
Either way, we look forward to hearing and seeing from you all in due course.