Christmas that is. Had anyone noticed? No? You’ve not been shopping in department stores in Aberdeen, then? How do the staff put up with it? Each year?
Though this blog has been quiet for a little while, this is due to frantic activity behind the scenes, not to a lack of activity. Things have been moving on in Banchory Men’s Shed particularly with the premises search, and following the Trustees meeting earlier this month we have some good news which we will be sharing shortly, once we have our behind-the-scenes ducks in a row. So, keep your ears open – or of course, come along on Tuesday mornings at 10:30 to the Legion to our Social, get the latest goings on and generally have a good blether. It’s noticeable that recent meetings have been well-attended as things become clearer and our collective mood brightens.
To that end, we also have our Banchory Men’s Shed Christmas Meal on Friday 8th December at the Legion, at 12:30. Numbers signed up as I write this are roughly half of our current membership. If you have not already booked (and most members should already have received a direct e-mail, but it’s not limited to existing members), then e-mail me at to get the menu and to book. We need to get everything settled by the end of Tuesday’s Social, 5th December.
Things with Scotland’s Men’s Sheds generally also continue to be pretty active. We attended the “Shire Sheds” meeting at Inverurie Shed a few weeks ago which was, as always, very informative and it was great to share experiences with sheds from: Alford, Banchory, Braemar, Dyce, Ellon, Inverurie, Keith, Peterhead, Stonehaven and alphabetically last but certainly not least, Westhill. (We clearly need Sheds in places beginning F, G, H…) It was encouraging to hear stories of both the difficulties with and successes that folk are making of their Sheds, so thanks to Inverurie for hosting that and we look forward to the next one at Dyce in mid 2018. Hopefully we will have all our news confirmed and under way by then.
As well as this Banchory Shed website and Facebook page (click the Facebook icon at the bottom of this page), there are other places to get updated with what is going on…
The Scottish Men’s Shed Association has a newsletter which I understand from Jason is going to become more frequent – you can download the latest edition from their website at . The newsletters are under “Members” then “Resources”. Membership is free and you just need to sign up, after which you will get your newsletter automagically.
We also have regular contact with Age Scotland’s Men in Sheds group and they have recently put out their newsletter which you can view or download here: Age_Scotland_Newsletter_Nov_17
Don’t forget, you can also receive updates to this blog via e-mail as soon as they appear. If you’re viewing on a computer, the link “Follow this blog by e-mail” will be to the right; if on a tablet or phone, the link will be at the foot of the page. Your e-mail address is secure and we do not use them for any purpose – don’t use them at all, in fact.
Anyway, until next time, or until seeing you at our Socials or the Christmas Meal, have a great time.