Fundraising If you would like to donate to the Banchory Men’s shed, firstly, thank you very much. We have a myriad of ways for you to help! Bank Transfer - The most effective way of sending funds is by bank transfer direct to our account, which avoids the small percentages here and there which other modes of donation incur. If you would like to do this, please email and we will provide bank details. Amazon Smile – Do you shop at Amazon? Did you know Amazon will donate 0.5% of your purchases value to Banchory Men’s Shed? You just need to use “Amazon Smile” To do this, go to the Amazon Smile start page for the Banchory Men’s Shed. This is: Or just go to and select your chosen charity. First time through you will be asked to confirm your login details as normal, but after that if you alays go to the Amazon Smile page (bookmark it) instead of your normal Amazon start page, then BMS will received 0.5% of your pre-VAT purchase price. You will be asked whether you want to install the “Amazon Assistant” to “make the most of Amazon Smile”. We suggest you decline to install it unless you familiarise yourself first with its privacy aspects. We can vouch that the site works perfectly well without using “Amazon Assistant”. Once you have logged in via Amazon Smile, the rest of your shopping experience is identical with your normal Amazon shopping, just that you will also be helping us. Thank you! |
Paypal – Donations can be sent via Paypal to or use the Paypal Giving button below
Donate via secure Paypal (you do not need a Paypal account)
Items For Sale – [We have taken down our items for sale page for now.]
Just Giving – Our “Just Giving” page is no longer.
Thanks to our Sponsors and Donors
We would like to express our deepest appreciation for all funding and sponsorship offers, both received and yet to come.
To date we have received generous donations either of direct funding or of services and plenty of interest and encouragement from the following, in alphabetical order. We are adding dates as of the web site update 20 May 2018 – lack of a date just means it was before we started noting grant dates on the site:
- Aberdeen Standard Investments Charitable Foundation (April 2019)
- Alexander Burnett MSP
- Amazon Smile (May 2018 on)
- Apache North Sea Ltd (May 2019)
- Banchory Accordion and Fiddle Club
- Banchory Community Fund (Midhill Wind Farm) (Nov 2018)
- Banchory Farmer’s Market donors
- Banchory Legion Scotland
- Banchory Round Table (April 2016)
- Bancon Group
- Buildbase (August 2019)
- Bruce McCombie Builders (through 2019)
- Chalmers Bakery, Staff and Customers
- The Co-Operative Society (re. Silversmithing tools)
- The Corra Foundation – Duncan Henry Grants (March 2018)
- David Thomson (Sept 2018)
- Deeside Steam & Vintage Club Ltd (Nov 2018)
- Developer Obligations Team, Aberdeenshire Council (July 2018)
- Duncans of Banchory (Feb 2020)
- George Crombie Trust (Aug 2019)
- Gerry Robb Architectural Services (2015 to current date)
- Gordon & Ena Baxter Foundation
- GVC Fund (re. e-Bikes)
- Henry Duncan grants (Mar 2018)
King George V Wind Turbine Fund (Sept 2019)
- Kintore Charitable Trust (Aug 2019)
- Live Life Aberdeenshire (re. Bikes Shed)
- Marr Area Committee (Large Project Grant Scheme – June 2019)
- Marr Area Partnership Initiative Grant Scheme (Jan 2018)
- McColls, Banchory, Staff and Customers (March 2016)
- McIntosh Plant Hire
- Mearns Academy, Laurencekirk (April 2016)
- NHS GrampianEndowment Fund (Aug 2019)
- The Robertson Trust (Jul 2019)
- Rotary Club of Banchory Ternan (June 2019 and in earlier years)
- Scotmid Community Connect award (Dec 2017)
- Shell UK Community Fund via Foundation Scotland (Jan 2019)
- Source to Sea Team (Nov 2021)
- South Marr Community Safety Group (April 2019)
- Studio Park Ltd (for the Men’s Shed logo) (2015)
- Tesco Bags of Help (2018)
- WG Edwards Charitable Foundation (Apr 2019)
There have also been a number of individual donations. Apologies if we have left anyone out but unfortunately it’s not always possible to keep up with everyone; any corrections, please let us know
(Page updated 13th Nov 2021)