….But definitely not the beginning of the end!
Firstly, apologies for the lack of “Normal Service” hereabouts. We have not updated our web site for the last 5 months due to our Webmeister becoming seriously ill … in New Zealand … and hence being unable to travel back until recently. Hopefully normal service is now resumed, so keep your eyes open here.
New Board Members
The Banchory Men’s Shed has been in existence now for 3 years, albeit without our own premises as yet. Much water has passed under the bridge and we have learned a lot about getting a Shed off the ground.
As becomes necessary, the BMS Trustees/Board have to put themselves up for re-election every 3 years and this happened at the May AGM. Our outgoing board members Alan Pumfrey, Chairman, Peter Ash, Vice Chairman and Jack Ward, Secretary all decided not to seek re-election and the BMS conveys our thanks to these gentlemen for their excellent service in getting the BMS off the ground in the first place, continuing to support us through some difficult moments and to a point where the light at the end of the tunnel has indeed become visible. Alan, Peter and Jack are all remaining as BMS members; Alan and Jack are remaining as Trustees.
We have two new key Board members. Paul Evans has taken on the post of Chairman (as well as continuing with his superb fund-raising work) and Lionel Davis as Secretary. We welcome Paul and Lionel to the BMS board and look forward to working with them as we go forward into the rest of 2018 and further.
The other Trustees were re-elected and are continuing their roles as per our Contacts page.
In other news…
New Website
As you may have noticed, we have now lost the banchorymensshed.wordpress.com site, which was free but included advertising (sorry!), and had limited flexibility, so here we are now at banchorymensshed.org. This has been made possible through our new hoster providing a free (!) hosting package for registered charities, so many thanks and a “big up” are due to TSOhost. The old site will remain in place for a little while just to provide redirection but will eventually be taken down.
This new website has been updated with a new BMS Who’s Who, an update to the timeline (Milestones), a new Membership Application Form to meet GDPR (the height of excitement!) and an updated list of Funding & Sponsors.
For those of you who signed up on the previous Blog page to “Follow this Blog by e-mail” we have deleted all your e-mail addresses and have to reconsider whether we re-start this facility in the light of GDPR.
Please also keep an eye on our Facebook page for regular updates, and on this web site for the bigger picture.
Yet more…
Once we get a moment we will also add a blog post updating where we are with our Premises, Lease, Fund-Raising etc. Don’t forget to come along on a Tuesday morning, bring a friend, and let everyone know about Men’s Sheds and the Banchory Shed. Thanks
And finally … GDPR …
Not again! You will have been inundated with messages from anyone and everyone you have ever given your details to and you will be unsurprised to know that we have to join in with this game, even though small charities were exempted from data registration requirements before.
We are still in the throes of finalising our formal Privacy Policy and will be contacting members shortly to confirm their consent. Our final Privacy Policy will be posted on our Documents page.
Thanks for reading and please await our further updates