We are delighted to have received the following message from Alistair Black:
Banchory Men’s Shed
It is a pleasure and delight to now see the Banchory Men’s Shed open for business at Legion Scotland’s Banchory Branch and Club building, at Ramsay Road, Banchory. The organisers have endured a long hard struggle to finally reach this point and they deserve a huge accolade for what they have achieved. It is also the culmination of an idea mooted back in late 2015 and as covered in the Legion Scotland Today magazine.
I am delighted for two reasons. Firstly, the area they now occupy needed to be used constructively, usefully and in sympathy with the building. But secondly and more importantly, the values of the Men’s Shed movement mirror those of the Legion, that is, to provide facilities where men young and old can go and enjoy social connections, build friendships, share skills and knowledge, and of course create a lot of laughter.
The Legion works along the same lines as the Men’s Shed in that we are responsible for enhancing the wellbeing and comradeship of our members. Similarly, where the Legion can, we will get involved in community projects even though we are more geared to the serving the ex-service community.
The Banchory Men’s Shed is always looking to boost their membership and they are very much hoping that as well as civilian members they will attract ex-service personnel. So if as an ex-serviceman you feel you can help, or feel you need help, or you would just like to converse with like-minded people, then go along and see what it is all about. It costs nothing and could quite easily be a life changing experience for some of you.
Alistair Black
Legion Scotland Branch/Club Chairman