Following the transition to COVID Level 2 in Aberdeenshire, (and much discussion!) we are now able to open the Banchory Men’s Shed again 🙂
The first opening will be Tuesday 1st June 10:30 – 12:00 as per the pre-COVID schedule.
As time goes on, we will expand the opening hours to cover the various activities we have planned, including the Workshop, Bridge sessions, Silversmithing, the Computer group, Cycling, and Model Building.
There will be a limit on numbers permitted, provisionally around 10, and this number will be firmed up in a Risk Assessment this week. Please just turn up. If we exceed the permitted numbers, depending on weather we can also use outside.
You will also need to sign in and follow the instructions from the supervisor of the day, who will be following a procedure set up by Bill Lawson, our Secretary.
We look forward to seeing you.