Or: “You’re only supposed to put the bloomin’ doors on”
Today, Friday 31st May, has seen rapid progress towards our Phase 1 Men’s Shed Premises. We are now “wind and water tight”. Many thanks to Alan P for staying with it all day to make sure it went according to plan.
Earlier in the week, the “windows” on the right hand wall were blocked in and a small painting party (Alan and Howard) on Tuesday finished off the first, sealing, coat on the blockwork.
Today’s progress can be seen in the slideshow below, and now the doors are on, you begin to get a feel for the place, and that the workshop area will be a very useful space.
The pics show the set of fluorescent lighting ready to be put up, and the main thing left now is the electrics. These will consist of the ceiling lighting, plus a number of power points around the room with, finally, emergency power shut-off buttons to allow for any machines that may need them.
Now the up-and-over door has been moved to Bay 2 we can also get at the steelwork to fireproof it. The final thing will be the final painting of the walls.